
Should you get pregnant? The pros and cons of having kids

Are you wondering whether you're ready to start a family? This informative guide breaks down the pros and cons of having kids.

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Parents hold the baby's hands. Happy family

There's no sugar-coating it, having children is one of the biggest decisions a person can make in life, so it's not something to approach lightly.

Some people dream of having children, while others are adamant they don't want any. Then, of course, there are plenty of people who aren't sure either way. It's worth taking the time to think about it properly so you can make the best choice for you.

In this guide, we'll take a look at some of the key pros and cons of having kids that could help you decide. Keep reading for more.


Kids bring a huge amount of joy into a lot of people's lives. There are several specific benefits of children that you should know about.

Watching children grow is magical

For many, this is the main reason to have children. It's an experience unlike any other, and while this may be a bit cliche, it's completely true.

There are all kinds of milestones as a baby grows, such as the first time they roll over, their first steps, and the first time they talk. These may not be huge events to a lot of people, but to a parent, there's nothing else like it.

It's also worth noting that the magic doesn't stop either. As your child reaches different points in their life such as heading off to college, getting their first job, getting married, and even having children of their own, you'll be filled with joy every time.

So many snuggles

This is easy to overlook, but it shouldn't be. Parents and children have a yearning to be close to one another, and science has shown that it's healthy for both too.

While this may become less common as they get older, it will still happen. Even adults need a hug from time to time, and there's nothing quite like a hug between a parent and their child.

Children bring out the best in you

No matter how well you may think you know yourself, there's always more to uncover. Being put in the position of a parent will be challenging, but how you overcome these challenges will help you learn more about what you're capable of.

You'll become a carer, a storyteller, a teacher, and so much more. It's possible that you'll look after your children even better than you look after yourself, and this will be reflected in their kindness. You can then help guide them to become the best person they can be.

You can see the world through someone else's eyes

There are plenty of things that we take for granted, and it's often because we've seen it all before. For children, however, all kinds of things are completely new to them.

Tasting chocolate, seeing snow, watching fireworks; you get to witness your child experience these for the first time. This can make all of these feel fresh and exciting, giving you a new viewpoint on a lot of things that you usually wouldn't think twice about. Holidays like Halloween and Christmas will also once again become magical events that bring your children huge amounts of joy.


While there are plenty of good reasons to have kids, you shouldn't rush into things. There are also several drawbacks that could affect your choice.

Sleep will never be the same

This is something that you may notice after getting pregnant, but it will become a lot more significant once your child arrives. Children (especially when they're firstborn) won't be on your sleep schedule. When they're tired, they'll want to sleep, and when they have energy, they'll be awake.

The main problem is that kids need your full attention when they're awake. If they start crying at 4 a.m., you have to get out of bed and see to them. Not all parents face this issue all the time, but it's very common, so expect it.

They cost a lot

Unfortunately, kids are expensive. As soon as your child is born, you'll be paying for everything they need. This means clothes, toys, food, bedding, and more.

They won't be making their own money any time soon. Because of this, it's important to ensure you're financially stable and can afford to raise a child before having one.

Every activity takes twice as long

Kids are first learners, but that doesn't mean things will always go smoothly. Even simple tasks like getting dressed to go out will become a lot more time-consuming.

Getting yourself dressed is quick and easy, but having to dress a child can be exhausting. This is especially true when they're very young and have no interest in making things easier for you.

Children also get distracted very easily. Whether you're in a shop, a restaurant, at a friend's house, or just walking down the street. They'll spot things that draw their attention, making everything take more time.

You're in a constant state of worry

This is something that every parent experiences, especially with their first child. You'll see this small, delicate, defenseless child, and spend all of your time worrying about them.

In most cases, there's actually nothing to be afraid of. Most parents realize this by their second or third child. Despite that, however, it's natural to worry, so be prepared for it.

Alone time Is gone

Privacy and alone time don't exist anymore. It's as simple as that. Children need constant attention, so you'll have very few opportunities to be alone until they get a bit older.

The only time you're likely to spend away from them when they're very young is when they're asleep. Odds are, however, you'll be glued to your baby monitor, so you're not truly alone.

Weighing up the pros and cons of having kids?

Ultimately, only you can decide this. Think about where you currently are in life and the direction you want to head alongside the pros and cons of having kids to make the right choice. If you do decide to have a child, make sure you're fully prepared for everything that comes with it.

It's an ever-evolving journey, and there's plenty you'll learn along the way. WRAL News regularly posts guides and information that you could find very useful. Check out our family section to see more articles that you could make use of.


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