
Is there a place on the WRAL weather site for daily, historical rain totals, by city? In other words, is it possible to go back and look at each day of 2007 and see exactly how much rain fell in, say, Durham?

Posted — Updated

Michelle Bailey

MIKE MOSS SAYS:      Michelle,      On our "Almanac" page there is a date selector with which you can choose any date from the past few decades. Clicking "GO" will take you to a weather observation for that day from the Raleigh-Durham airport. However, once you are at the site you can type in any other city and find the closest observation available for that day, or change days, or view an entire week or month of observations on one page, etc. In some cases, the closest observation to your point of interest might be someone's personal home weather station, readings from which can also be accessed through that site, operated by Weather Underground.

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