National News

Teen starts YouTube channel 'Single Mom at 14'

A Fort Worth teen is turning something unexpected, into something positive.

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Nicole Johnson
FORT WORTH, TEXAS — A Fort Worth teen is turning something unexpected, into something positive.

"Hi guys, I`m Maddie and this is my baby boo Everly," says Maddie Lambert on her YouTube channel. "I was pregnant at 14!"

She's trying to break a stereotype.

"You have seen the show Teen Mom, like that doesn`t put a good name around it."

She`s sharing her story because she was inspired by other YouTubers.

"Whenever I got pregnant, I remember searching up on YouTube like, stories of people getting pregnant young. And just kind of looking for some inspiration, you know, someone who got through it," says Maddie. "And I thought I could be that for other girls."

She is. She has hundreds of thousands of views on her first two videos, in just two months.

"I am not saying it`s a good thing, but I am saying you can deal with it in a good way," says Maddie.

She has moms from around the world relating to her. One of the messages she got on Instagram says, "I was pregnant when I was 15 and my son is turning 5 months. I just want to say from the looks of it you are doing amazing being a mom to your little one, I know how hard it can be."

Another says, "Keep it up and keep inspiring."

"I think it is so important for mothers of any age, whether you are younger, or older, or right in the middle, whatever that means, that you connect with other mothers," Elizabeth Scrivner, LPC at Park Cities Counseling P.C. says.

Next, Maddie is going to share her struggles.

"Because, I don`t want people to think it`s this glamorous thing. I just want people to know they are supported and it`s not going ruin your life because that`s usually the stigma around it, it`s really negative."

While it certainly could have been for Maddie, she`s made it something positive.

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