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5-Year-Olds Share Perceptions of Thanksgiving

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BUNN — They are absolutely sure turkeys were involved in the first Thanksgiving. Their other concepts are varied, but they are, after all, five years old. In Franklin County, kindergarteners had a Thanksgiving lunch Wednesday and shared their opinions about the great feast.

Bunn Elementary's kindergarteners trotted into their cafeteria for the special meal. The plates bear new food...strange food. It is a feast to savor or to suffer.

"Do you like the cranberries?" a child is asked.

"Mmmmaaaybe," comes the hesitant answer.

Where is the 'good' stuff? some are undoubtedly wondering. Asked about a menu change from the traditional turkey to hamburgers, Zack Ring nods his head vigorously. That would be a switch he would heartily endorse.

"I ate the hamburger. I love hamburgers. A lot of corn," he says.

Homemade butter with homemade cornbread; the 5-year-olds were either game or glum. And where is the turkey at this feast?

In this kindergarten, the Pilgrims' progress is a little fuzzy. There were definitely indians.

"They showed them how to plant and they had a feast, and it lasted for three days," says student Daniel Jones.

Jones also says the Pilgrims came over on the Mayflower and met the Indians at the end of the ocean.'

Thanksgiving lunch is over. It is time to clean up, to be thankful. And, like many of us after the big feast on Thanksgiving Day -- to nap.


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