National News

Man Breaks into Milwaukee House, Homeowner Detains Robber Until Police Arrive

A Milwaukee man is preparing to testify in court -- one year after he stopped a robber trying to enter his home.

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Lindsey Branwall
MILWAUKEE, WI — A Milwaukee man is preparing to testify in court -- one year after he stopped a robber trying to enter his home.

Micah Glenn came back from an out of town trip to find out he had been robbed the week of July 24th, 2016.

"Everything was in disarray. The upstairs all the way to the attic to the basement," said Glenn.

His father was a military veteran, and some of his army clothes and keepsakes were missing. In all, the robbers took $25,000 worth of Glenn's things.

Glenn didn't think the robber would come back to his home two days in a row, but then he heard a commotion at his front door.

"I look around the corner and I see a guy at my front door, but when I look at him, he has my clothes on," said Glenn.

As the man was prying open the front door with a claw hammer, wearing Glenn's stolen clothes, he decided to take things into his own hands.

"Basically I just came up to the door while he was still looking down. I kicked the door on him and he flew over the stoop."

Glenn wrestled the robber to the ground, cornered him, even put a pair of handcuffs on the guy, and called police, telling them "I just caught a guy burglarizing my house. I have him at knife-point, you need to come get him right away."

Glenn says the handcuffs and knife were necessary

"I feel like he would have got away if I didn't do anything. Even though the police is about five blocks down the street, they still wouldn't have been here in time. I felt the need to hold him until they did get here so he could be accountable for his actions," said Glenn.

The man he wrestled to the ground was 55-year-old Eddie Luckett. Luckett told Glenn he was working with an accomplice.

Luckett's accomplice, Aaron Wright was found that day, just down the street from Glenn's home. Wright was also wearing clothes stolen from the house -- Glenn's father's army boots and pants. Wright plead guilty and has already been sentenced to six months in prison.

Luckett's jury trial starts August 28th, and Glenn will testify. Glenn plans on saying a few things he expressed to Luckett that day, and why he took matters into his own hands.

"I just basically let him know, you're 50 years old. It's time to stop with all the little games. You need to grow up ... I'm just hoping our community gets better. This is the stuff we don't need and that tears our community down," said Glenn.

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