Political News

Cruz to IL-3 voters: Don't vote for the 'avowed Nazi' running as a Republican

Sen. Ted Cruz condemned the Nazi running for Illinois' 3rd Congressional District in a tweet on Friday.

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Sophie Tatum
WASHINGTON (CNN) — Sen. Ted Cruz condemned the Nazi running for Illinois' 3rd Congressional District in a tweet on Friday.

Arthur Jones ran uncontested to be the Republican candidate in the Chicago-area district. His campaign website -- which included a section titled "Holocaust?" -- has been involved with anti-Semitic and racist groups since the 1970s, according to the Anti-Defamation League.

"This is horrific. An avowed Nazi running for Congress. To the good people of Illinois, you have two reasonable choices: write in another candidate, or vote for the Democrat. This bigoted fool should receive ZERO votes," Cruz, a Texas Republican, wrote on Twitter.

Politico reported on Friday that the Illinois Republican Party could no longer run a third party candidate because the deadline passed this week.

"They didn't put up a third-party candidate?" Jones asked a Politico reporter during a phone call. "That's great! That's fantastic!"

Jones went on to say he "snookered" the Illinois GOP, according to Politico.

Earlier this year, the Illinois Republican Party denounced Jones' campaign and said there is "no place for Nazis like Arthur Jones" in the GOP or the country.

"The Illinois Republican Party and our country have no place for Nazis like Arthur Jones. We strongly oppose his racist views and his candidacy for any public office, including the 3rd Congressional District," Illinois Republican Party Chairman Tim Schneider said previously in a statement.

Come November, Jones will face off against the Democratic incumbent, Rep. Dan Lipinski.

Lipinski is a blue-dog, anti-abortion Democrat who has served the district for more than a decade. He is heavily favored to win.

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