
Liveblog: NC House Elections Committee, 2-16-11

The NC House Elections committee is hearing about provisional voting, public financing, voter ID laws in other states.

Posted — Updated

Laura Leslie
1:45pm  Lewis adjourns meeting. Says anyone can get a copy of the documents by emailing him at david.lewis@ncleg.net.
1:41pm Staffer Denise Adams explaining HAVA and voter ID.  Lewis stops presentation to leave three minutes for public comment. Says House rules force him to adjourn by 1:45.

Lewis asks for a show of hands in the packed gallery for those opposed to voter ID law. Almost all of them go up.  

1:38pm: Lewis excuses Bartlett. Next up: Overview of Voter ID laws in other states. 
1:37pm: Bartlett says provisional voting on the decline due to popularity of one-stop voting with on-site registration changes. 
1:35pm Bartlett explaining rules for provisional voting and checking ID at polling places when there are questions about voter documentation.
1:31pm  Bartlett is discussing a handout, but since they're not distributing it to the public or press, it's hard to tell what he's talking about. 
1:30pm: Bartlett says provisional voting is "insurance for the voter. In case something happens, they do not get disenfranchised" without review by board officials.
1:28pm: State Elections Board Director Gary Bartlett speaking now on provisional voting laws. He'll use Wake Co. as an example. 
Operational note:  Refresh page often to see updates. 
1:23pm: House Maj. Ldr Paul Stam says the number of people who are participating in public financing is "meaningless" because they're only doing it "in self-defense."

Wake Dem Jennifer Weiss complaining that members weren't told they'd be debating merits of policy today.

1:22pm:  Committee members are asking questions about public financing programs.  Gary Bartlett called up to answer.  Not speaking on mike - sorry, audio folks. 
1:20pm   House Elections Comm. Chairman David Lewis says he's having additional copies of the paperwork made. 
1:16pm Operational note: You can listen to the audio stream of this committee at http://www.ncga.state.nc.us/Audio/Audio.html  - select Appropriations, Rm. 643. 

There are explanatory documents for Churchill and Bondo's presentation, and there are apparently extras up at the dais, but they have not been made available to anyone in the press or the audience. If I get a copy later, I'll scan and post.

1:15pm: House staffers Erika Churchill and Mark Bondo explaining state's two public financing systems, Council of State and Judicial.

Side note:  There's no agenda available for this meeting, so names will be spelled as best I can.

State Board of Elections Director Gary Bartlett is expected to speak soon.  

House Elections Comm., 643 LOB, 2-16-11


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