
A Powerful Financial Prayer!!!

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My Money is God's Money

The Divine Spirit prospers me in every possible way.

I praise the wealth of God.
I now claim it for my own.

My money is God's money.

I believe in the goodness of God's wonderful money.
I am not self-stingy.
I like money and appreciate all I can do with it for myself and those I love.
I never condemn money in any way.
I know its spiritual origins.
I rejoice in all the good things I can do with it.

It circulates in all my affairs.

It pays all my debts and gives me freedom of action.
I have a healthy respect for God's money, and I use it with wisdom.

I always use the power of money rightly.

I am open and receptive to unexpected money coming to me in unusual and wonderful ways.
I now erase from my subconscious mind every concept of limitation or lack.
I never criticize the way other people spend their money.
I mind my own business.
My financial consciousness is healthy and expanding.
And so it is.


~Dr. Raymond Charles Barker.