
House: The final frontier

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OK, bad title!  But hey, I love the original Treks! 

So, the latest and greates is that the beams are now through the house.  WOW!  What a site that was.  There are two I-beams through the upstairs (one gauge in the wood floor in daughter's room) and two beneath the house.  The one worry we had was the wood floors.  We saw one buggered spot, but for the most part, it appears there is no damage (at least nothing that can't be sanded out with a light sanding - which we expected).  We figure if that one bugger is all that house gets, we're doing great.  Now we'll have one of those character marks that we can show folks who come over.  "That's when we moved the house!  See, here's pictures of THAT process." 

We've picked up and carted off tons of brick.  WOW!  That's physically demanding work.  My husband's parents have spent several days out there with us helping!!  You've never seen a work crew until you've seen this family work in the yard.  They really know how to get a job done!  I try to keep up, but I'm a poor shadow to them when it comes to hard work.  And I consider myself a hard worker!

The kids are having a blast.  They get so excited when I pick them up from school.  We drive by the house each day and they always want to stop and look.  Yesterday was not much to see.  But the appearance of those beams through the house was QUITE the sight.

One of the funniest things is to watch traffic.  I'm so worried that there is going to be a wreck at that intersection.  People are watching the progress in fascination.  There was a box van with a PA system that stopped at the light today.  The driver made a comment about "Someone moving a house?"  I just smiled and gave him the thumbs up!  It's just fun to me.

I took plenty of pictures, but am short on time.  I'll try to post them soon!  In the meantime, my forecast for the weekend is rain!  It's bound to happen!  We'll be battening down the hatches tomorrow JUST IN CASE!