Political News

Klobuchar lists actions she would take in first 100 days as president

Sen. Amy Klobuchar has outlined actions she will take to address climate change and health care atop a long list of wide-ranging priorities for her first 100 days in office if she's elected president in 2020.

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Kate Sullivan
Suzanne Malveaux, CNN
CNN — Sen. Amy Klobuchar has outlined actions she will take to address climate change and health care atop a long list of wide-ranging priorities for her first 100 days in office if she's elected president in 2020.

According to an 18-page list obtained by CNN, on day one the Minnesota Democrat would have the US reenter the international Paris Climate agreement, which President Donald Trump withdrew the US from in 2017. Her first outlined goal says she would work to ensure the US "maintains global leadership to address the climate crisis."

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Klobuchar also would "immediately" suspend the Trump administration's "efforts to eliminate the Affordable Care Act's protections for people with pre-existing conditions" and allow for the "safe importation of prescription drugs from countries like Canada."

"After four years of Donald Trump, a new president can't wait for a bunch of congressional hearings to act. The urgent problems our country is facing require immediate action," Klobuchar said late Monday in a statement. "That's why in my first 100 days as president I will enact an ambitious, optimistic agenda to improve our health care, combat climate change, pursue economic justice and shared prosperity, and build a stronger democracy and safer world."

Klobuchar has staked out the moderate lane in the crowded race for the Democratic party's nomination in 2020. At a CNN town hall in April, the senator urged a more cautious approach than many of her Democratic rivals on issues like health care, college tuition and student loans.

Her exhaustive list touches on a host of issues including overhauling immigration, introducing gun violence legislation and proposing a "historic investment" in public education.

High on the list, the senator plans to focus on rebuilding relationships with international allies to "restore America's standing in the world." She says her first international trips would be to Canada and Europe, to begin "restoring trust with our most important allies."

She also pledges on her first day in the White House to work with the Senate and the American Bar Association to fill judicial vacancies on federal courts.

And Klobuchar plans to revive the effort to combat "racially discriminatory voting laws" in her first 100 days if she's elected, according to the list.

The senator would also make cybersecurity "an immediate priority" if elected president. She would issue an executive order "launching government-wide cybersecurity initiatives."

She also plans to raise the minimum wage for federal contractors to $15 an hour and protect recipients of the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program and those with temporary protected status.

Klobuchar would propose a "bold infrastructure plan to rebuild America and re-establish the Presidential Advisory Council on Infrastructure." The senator had previously unveiled a "bold, trillion-dollar plan" to address several infrastructure issues she would make her "top budget priority."

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