Political News

Kellyanne Conway's husband deletes tweets critical of Trump

Kellyanne Conway's husband has begun deleting a series of tweets he posted in the last month that are critical of President Donald Trump.

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Jeremy Diamond (CNN)
(CNN) — Kellyanne Conway's husband has begun deleting a series of tweets he posted in the last month that are critical of President Donald Trump.

George Conway, a conservative lawyer Trump once considered nominating as solicitor general, deleted several tweets that called attention to Trump's legal woes, his difficulty in finding his next communications director and the White House's later debunked denials of staff shakeups.

Most notably, Conway deleted a tweet that called Trump's denials of reports that later turned out to be true "absurd" and sarcastically noted that "people are banging on the doors to be his communications director."

His wife, counselor to the President Kellyanne Conway, is among those who may take over as White House communications director -- at least on an interim basis -- following Hope Hicks' departure.

"I have nothing to add," George Conway said when reached by phone Thursday.

Pressed as to why he deleted the tweets, he simply said, "no reason."

Conway also nixed a retweet of a clip of CBS' "60 Minutes" piece on Stormy Daniels in which a former Federal Election Commission chairman Trevor Potter says the $130,000 payment to silence Daniels may have been an illegal campaign contribution.

He also undid a retweet in which a former associate counsel in President Barack Obama's White House blasted Trump's move to make White House officials sign nondisclosure agreements.

"Occasionally an official would ask us in the Obama White House Counsel's Office if they could make their staff sign NDAs. We'd tell them no," Bassin's tweet reads. "WH staff work for the public."

Conway also deleted a tweet in which he compared Trump's later disproven denials of staff shakeup reports to former President Bill Clinton's grand jury testimony amid his impeachment scandal.

"depends on what the meaning of the word 'are' is," Conway tweeted. The tweet was gone from his Twitter page on Thursday.

As of this report, Conway has not deleted the most recent tweet that drew attention to his Twitter feed, in which Conway referred to a report that Trump's lawyer John Dowd discussed pardons with attorneys to Trump's former aides.

"This is flabbergasting," Conway tweeted on Wednesday.

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