
Reasons why the demand for DaaS is surging

As more workplaces adopt remote policies, cloud-based desktop environments are on the rise.
Posted 2021-12-08T22:29:53+00:00 - Updated 2022-05-20T09:00:00+00:00

This article was written for our sponsor, RapidScale.

DaaS, or Desktop as a Service, refers to a cloud computing offering that allows for a virtual desktop to be accessed over the internet, enabling users to access their desktop environment anywhere, any time and on any device. With remote work and flexibility on the rise, DaaS is experiencing a surge in popularity.

Mobilizing an entire workforce isn't an easy feat. Here are the top reasons why businesses should consider using their managed cloud services provider about employing DaaS.

1. Reduced cost

Operating a physical PC incurs many costs, including hardware maintenance, repair, replacement, upgrades and OS/app updates. With DaaS, many of these costs can be avoided, especially if you consult with a managed cloud services provider that specializes in DaaS

Additionally, working with a managed cloud services provider can eliminate extra fees associated with cloud management.

"The biggest driver that most folks are going to look at a DaaS for is budget. From a budgetary standpoint, it allows them to significantly reduce their capital expenditures, because they're not having to buy, deploy and manage physical resources, like a desktop or a laptop," said Chris Pierdominici, Senior Product Marketing Manager at RapidScale, a managed cloud services provider. "The true power of cloud computing is driving desktops into the cloud, which is a resource for a lot of organizations to seriously consider. The cost factor being significantly lower than previous kinds of industry trends is just going to continue that drive."

2. Efficiency

In the past, new and old employees would have to come into the office to receive equipment or necessary hardware updates. Through DaaS, all of those things —updates, onboarding, repairs, and more — can be done from anywhere.

"If you're moving to a cloud desktop, you don't have to worry about procuring or repairing hardware. You don't have to worry about the parts and the labor, or operating system updates and new versions of operating systems. Everything you need is located up in the cloud," said Robert Bergman, senior product manager at RapidScale. "For companies that have shift-based workers, it's especially great, because now, instead of having 300 machines for 150 people and not leveraging that hardware completely, you can use the exact number of cloud desktops for the exact number of people that need them. It's a great offer, because they're getting more for less."

3. Sustainability

By cutting down on physical hardware needed and burned through, DaaS has a sustainability appeal.

Switching to the cloud can reduce the amount of IT staff labor needed. This allows companies to refocus internal resources on more company-strategic activities, leaving the operation of virtual desktops to the managed cloud services provider.

"You're going to have situations where you have to update Windows and physically or virtually touch every machine, and it's very laborious and disruptive for users. With the cloud desktop, you can make it so that users always have the latest OS. They always have the latest patches and the latest security updates. They have the latest apps, and there's no real physical breakage," said Bergman. "That cuts way down on costs and waste."

4. Flexibility

Remote work is a hot topic right now, as more workers are leaving their current jobs for ones that allow them to work from home. For businesses that want to compete and offer that flexibility, DaaS is an effective option.

"Remote work is obviously one of the biggest drivers of the popularity of DaaS right now, because of the ease of deployment and then the ease of management once it's in place. It allows connectivity, security, and it allows companies to use all of these resources that they're used to having, as well as reducing the amount of hardware needed to make that possible," said Pierdominici. "Since all of that deployment is centralized, companies can push out their software and their policies universally, while also controlling, the level of access that they want someone to have, all from one location."

This article was written for our sponsor, RapidScale.
