
Disaster we never saw coming.

Hello my name is Chasidy Rader and my husband is Shane Rader and we are tornado victims. We have several videos and photos of our tragedy. We were blessed not to be home during the time of the storm, but our dogs Dakota and SnickleFritz were and thank God they survived! I was at work and they let me off early so I called my husband and asked him where he was and he told me he was at Walmart. I told him my work let me off early and to come get me. I clocked out around 3:43pm and we didn't go straight home but I remained in the car and I was freaking out and I wasn't sure why, but I could feel in my heart something was not right...NOT ONCE did we get ANY kind of WARNING letting us know to take cover or ANYTHING!! NO TORNADO WARNING FOR CUMBERLAND COUNTY!!! So we drove home like normal...but it wasn't normal and we thought it was just a bad storm..we cannot watch these videos because it brings back the pain of not knowing...I have about three to four videos driving down Yadkin Road going to SummerHill Townhouses. WITH ABSOLUTELY NO IDEA A TORNADO HIT! We thought it was just a really bad storm that we just can hear us say it in the video and You can even hear music in the background as we listen to the radio with NO WARNING SIRENS, NOTHING, JUST MUSIC!!! We drove in the neighborhood of SummerHill and arrived right before our street (Windy Hill Circle) because there was a huge tree in the way. We couldn't make it to our Townhouse in the car so we ran like hell on foot! As fast as we could...People asked us if "we were ok"...we screamed "we are but OUR DOGS are in those apartments" and they asked us which one. We screamed while running as fast as we could "the first building" and they said, which apartment and we screamed "B" and all I heard was a lot of "gasping" sound...the first thing I saw was what used to be OUR bedroom. I'm crying so hard praying that our dogs are ok. They asked us if we wanted them to kick the door down and my husband had the key to the house in his hand..he opened the door and saw the dogs scared but safe in the dining room. Dakota ran out the house and little SnickleFritz wouldn't come out, so I ran into the house to get him as Shane ran after Dakota. I grabbed him out of the dining room and got out of there. We got there just after the storm happened. Maybe within 15 to 20 mins. People were all outside helping everyone they possibly could. Everyone asking "Are you ok?" Police hadn't arrived yet. We tried to go check on our friends mom who lives just streets over, but had no access because of all the trees that were down. We went back later that night and had to sneak through the untouched part of Cottonade to get to Yadkin Road to make it onto Summerhill Road in our cars, we got stopped by a cop and we told them where we were going and they said I'm not sure how far you can get in your car...but Shane and I knew exactly how far we could get. We parked in the same area and we had Shane's sister, Melissa, with us who used to live in the same building as us in "D" and her friend still lived there...I took another video of the walk up there with her and it was still just as heartbreaking. If you have any questions about anything, just let me know. Thanks in advance for your time. God Bless. Chasidy and Shane Rader

Hello my name is Chasidy Rader and my husband is Shane Rader and we are tornado victims. We have several videos and photos of our tragedy. We were blessed not to be home during the time of the storm, but our dogs Dakota and SnickleFritz were and thank God they survived! I was at work and they let me off early so I called my husband and asked him where he was and he told me he was at Walmart. I told him my work let me off early and to come get me. I clocked out around 3:43pm and we didn't go straight home but I remained in the car and I was freaking out and I wasn't sure why, but I could feel in my heart something was not right...NOT ONCE did we get ANY kind of WARNING letting us know to take cover or ANYTHING!! NO TORNADO WARNING FOR CUMBERLAND COUNTY!!! So we drove home like normal...but it wasn't normal and we thought it was just a bad storm..we cannot watch these videos because it brings back the pain of not knowing...I have about three to four videos driving down Yadkin Road going to SummerHill Townhouses. WITH ABSOLUTELY NO IDEA A TORNADO HIT! We thought it was just a really bad storm that we just can hear us say it in the video and You can even hear music in the background as we listen to the radio with NO WARNING SIRENS, NOTHING, JUST MUSIC!!! We drove in the neighborhood of SummerHill and arrived right before our street (Windy Hill Circle) because there was a huge tree in the way. We couldn't make it to our Townhouse in the car so we ran like hell on foot! As fast as we could...People asked us if "we were ok"...we screamed "we are but OUR DOGS are in those apartments" and they asked us which one. We screamed while running as fast as we could "the first building" and they said, which apartment and we screamed "B" and all I heard was a lot of "gasping" sound...the first thing I saw was what used to be OUR bedroom. I'm crying so hard praying that our dogs are ok. They asked us if we wanted them to kick the door down and my husband had the key to the house in his hand..he opened the door and saw the dogs scared but safe in the dining room. Dakota ran out the house and little SnickleFritz wouldn't come out, so I ran into the house to get him as Shane ran after Dakota. I grabbed him out of the dining room and got out of there. We got there just after the storm happened. Maybe within 15 to 20 mins. People were all outside helping everyone they possibly could. Everyone asking "Are you ok?" Police hadn't arrived yet. We tried to go check on our friends mom who lives just streets over, but had no access because of all the trees that were down. We went back later that night and had to sneak through the untouched part of Cottonade to get to Yadkin Road to make it onto Summerhill Road in our cars, we got stopped by a cop and we told them where we were going and they said I'm not sure how far you can get in your car...but Shane and I knew exactly how far we could get. We parked in the same area and we had Shane's sister, Melissa, with us who used to live in the same building as us in "D" and her friend still lived there...I took another video of the walk up there with her and it was still just as heartbreaking. If you have any questions about anything, just let me know. Thanks in advance for your time. God Bless. Chasidy and Shane Rader

Posted 2011-04-20T01:28:52-0400 - Updated 2011-04-20T01:28:54-0400