
Amid grumbling, Trump signs $1.5T spending bill

President Trump signed off on a $1.5 trillion-dollar spending bill today after unexpectedly threatening to veto the plan and shut down the government tonight. The president ultimately signed off on the bipartisan bill, but made it clear that he didn't like it - especially after some Republicans complained it was a better deal for Democrats.

President Trump signed off on a $1.5 trillion-dollar spending bill today after unexpectedly threatening to veto the plan and shut down the government tonight. The president ultimately signed off on the bipartisan bill, but made it clear that he didn't like it - especially after some Republicans complained it was a better deal for Democrats.

Web Editor : Jodi Leese Glusco
Posted 2018-03-23T17:49:27-0400 - Updated 2018-03-23T17:49:27-0400