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What little kid doesn't love the mailbox? Cary dad, YouTuber releases fun song for little kids

Ryan Bliss, the Cary dad, lawyer and YouTuber, has a new video that's all about mail.
Posted 2018-03-29T15:37:58+00:00 - Updated 2018-04-06T15:37:00+00:00

Back in the day, when my kids were REALLY young, I remember them loving it when the mailman came. Hey, Mr. Tim!

These days, they're more excited about what Mr. Tim might bring for them. But, back then, just the fact that Mr. Tim was walking up to our mailbox was THE event.

Ryan Bliss, the Cary dad, lawyer and YouTuber for preschoolers, has a new video that's all about mail. I've written about Bliss several times. He's written a couple of really fun kid-friendly books of poems.

Recently, he decided to put his musical hat back on and launched a YouTube channel called Mooseclumps where he's starting to rack up some views with sweet and simple videos that feature him, his songs and some adorable kids, including his own.

Here's a look at his latest - "Mailbox Song." It's perfect for toddlers and preschoolers.
