
Got an opinion? Let's talk!

We have some ideas about how to improve the WRAL Weather page and content, but we really want to hear from you. We'll be conducting a series of focus groups in the next couple of weeks. Regardless of whether or how much you use our website, we want to know what you think so we can make the site better. If you are interested in helping us, please let us know! Thanks for your time and feedback.
Posted 2010-06-09T19:14:29+00:00 - Updated 2010-06-09T19:14:29+00:00

We have some ideas about how to improve the WRAL Weather page and content, but we really want to hear from you.

We'll be conducting a series of focus groups in the next couple of weeks.  Regardless of whether or how much you use our website, we want to know what you think so we can make the site better.

If you are interested in helping us, please let us know!  Thanks for your time and feedback.
