Local News

Traffic Stop Yields $22,000 Cash

Police found more than $22,000 cash during a DWI checkpoint stop in Raeford Tuesday.
Posted 2008-03-18T21:30:16+00:00 - Updated 2008-03-18T21:42:23+00:00

Police found more than $22,000 cash during a DWI checkpoint stop in Raeford Tuesday.

The driver, Daniel Cruz, of 658 Scurlock School Road, was found to have a small amount of powder cocaine in his pocket. The passenger, Santollo Arrizon of 10528 Red Springs Road, was found to be holding two bundles of cash worth $8,000. A search of the vehicle turned up an additional $14,840 concealed within the rear seat.

Hoke County Sheriff’s deputies seized the vehicle and took Cruz into custody. Arrizon was released pending further investigation.
