Local News

Traffic backed up nearly 4 miles along I-40 W during morning commute

A crash involving a motorcycle caused delays of up to half an hour during the Thursday morning commute on I-40 westbound.
Posted 2024-03-21T11:39:44+00:00 - Updated 2024-03-21T12:34:29+00:00
Crash involving motorcycle on I-40 westbound causes major delays

A crash involving a motorcycle caused a traffic backup of almost 4 miles along I-40 westbound during the the Thursday morning commute.

The right lane was blocked near the Lake Wheeler Road exit. According to officials, there are injuries involved with this crash.

Delays began all the way back at the split with I-440 and continued through exits for Rock Quarry Road, Hammond Road, S. Saunders Street and all the way to Lake Wheeler Road.

At its worst, delays reached around 30 minutes, but as of 8:30 a.m., delays had dropped to around 10 minutes.

Alternate route: There are not many good options. Tryon Road is already becoming congested. If possible, drivers can pick up I-40 W from Lake Wheeler Road to get on the other side of the crash.

"It's solidly delayed from the split all the way to Lake Wheeler Road," said WRAL traffic reporter Brian Shrader. "Be patient, and plan on those delays ahead of time."
