North Carolina State Fair

Taste Test: Deep Fried Cow Tales

Posted 2013-10-22T14:20:02+00:00 - Updated 2013-10-22T20:19:00+00:00
Warm caramel middle and just enough to share with a friend.

When I told my husband I was taste testing a deep fried Cow Tale, he got the most amazing look on his face. So I'll tell you up front: I taste tested the candy called Cow Tales, not something off the back end of a bovine. Cow Tales are caramel wrapped around a cream middle.

They may be available elsewhere but I got mine at the large food booth near the Sam Rand Grandstand. I don't know if it has a formal name but it advertises for deep fried practically everything. (The same booth also has deep fried Sugar Daddies on offer, but I haven't tried that yet. ) The Cow Tale was $4.

It had a little more breading than I prefer, but the caramel was melted and warm without being molten, and the creamy middle was a nice counterpoint. (If you like caramel you will love this.) Best of all, it was just enough that you could share it with a friend without feeling like you were either going to waste food or eat the whole thing and explode.

I think this is my favorite taste tests in the last couple of years. Warm and tasty and just enough. Recommended.

