Passion for painting is editor's 'therapy'

Posted 2011-01-21T12:51:35+00:00 - Updated 2018-07-13T18:11:52+00:00
Mary Alice Boliek

At WRAL, Mary Alice Boliek is an all-knowing, no-nonsense assignment editor who sits perched at the assignment desk, overlooking the newsroom. She is the ultimate multi-tasker – taking phone calls from viewers, sending reporters and photographers to breaking news and coordinating where Sky 5 should fly.

But just eight years ago, her life was not so organized. She says she lost herself and her passion for life.

“There was a moment in college where I wasn’t having the best of luck and (I was) making bad choices,” said Mary Alice. “Something drew me to the art store where I picked up my first canvas and paint, and I have been doing it ever since.”

Mary Alice Boliek's art
Mary Alice Boliek's art
Mary Alice Boliek's art
Mary Alice Boliek's art

Mary Alice Boliek's art
Mary Alice Boliek's art
Mary Alice Boliek's art
Mary Alice Boliek's art

In July 2001, she walked into a Michael’s Arts and Crafts store in Greensboro, which launched her passion for painting.

“It’s a great therapy. It really helps me put things in perspective when I have had a bad day,” she said.

Mary Alice had a tough time finishing her first painting, but her roommate eventually convinced her to put down the brush.

“My roommate at the time told me if I stopped where I was in the painting, she would buy it for 100 bucks. So I stopped. Then I started a new one. I have since learned when is a good time to finish a painting,” she said.

Most of her abstract, brightly colored pieces take about three weeks to finish, and she features them on her Web site, sevenmajordaysies.com.

“I love them all. Each time I look at them, I see something different,” said Mary Alice. ”I am working on trying to get some of my pieces displayed in local coffee shops. I would ultimately like to get involved with either the Art Guild in Durham or Artspace in Raleigh so that I could start showing my pieces in galleries.”
