Local News

Cumberland Co. Recycling Not Enjoying Success

Posted 2006-08-04T18:37:09+00:00 - Updated 1997-10-14T04:00:00+00:00

These days just about everybody recycles. In fact, most cities offer curbside pickup for recyclable materials and refuse, but in Cumberland County, most recyclables are going right in with the trash. areabout 25 sites in Cumberland County can drop off aluminum, but for those who want to recycle such things as glass and plastic, there are no such sites and there haven't been for over a year.

Recycling has been a lifelong business for Mary Sue Godfrey.For 11 years she taught college students about the importance of recycling, and lived what she taught.

Darrell Reed owns the only private recycling business left in the area. He says it hurts him that the county has no system for recycling in place.

Back in 1995, the last of the recycling sites was closed. Reed is afraid his business will have to close as well.

Reed has filed a proposal with the state requesting permission to take over recycling for the county, but he may not find out if the county wants that until next year. In the meantime, recyclables are building up.

Godfrey says it is very frustrating for her to see what's happening.

Reed believes recycling would get rid of 58 percent of the county's trash. Many residents hope people will be able to start recycling again.

Photographer:Mike Joyner
