Local News

Airport Noise Irks Area Residents

Posted 2006-08-04T18:33:36+00:00 - Updated 1997-09-17T04:00:00+00:00

As more subdivisions invade the Triangle subdivisions are being built closer to the airport. Brick fronts, sodded lawns, and landscaping don't make up for the roar of jets overhead.

But before you dismiss complainers by asking if they've just noticed the runways, bear in mind that those complaints could cost Triangle taxpayers money.

Dominion Park in northwest Raleigh looks like an average suburban subdivision, but the audio atmosphere is anything but average. Every day, Dominion Park residents are imposed upon by their noisy neighbors from the south -- planes from RDU International Airport.

Art Thomas has lived in the area for four years. He says he and his family are used to the noise by now.

Other developments like Dominion Park are being planned and built. They too will be positioned directly under flight paths. That causes some concern at the Federal Aviation Administration. FAA Deputy Director Paul Dykeman talked to WRAL-TV5's Bret Baier Wednesday.

"There's been a lapse of memory of what the responsibilities of local governments are when it comes to zoning around airports," Dykeman said. "Economic conditions are making it attractive to build more houses near airports. The FAA is asking local governments to zone responsibly, remembering noise."

Thomas says the noise is troublesome, but not impossible to live with.

Thomas added, however, that he wouldn't want to see the noise get worse.

Photographer:Keith Baker
