Local News

Fayetteville Residents Ask Motorists To Slow Down

Posted 2006-08-03T22:52:15+00:00 - Updated 2000-01-13T11:00:00+00:00

Ten miles per hour can mean the difference between life and death in a traffic accident. That is the driving force behind a Fayetteville neighborhood and some council members' efforts to make a change.

Residents say speeding in neighborhoods in Fayetteville has gotten out of control.

"They come flying down the street, and when they hit the curve, you can hear tires squeal everywhere," said Joyce Hill, a Fayetteville resident.

Faison Avenue is a perfect example of one of Fayetteville's busy roadways. It is a residential street that goes from one busy street to another.

Many motorists use it as a shortcut. The speed limit is 35 miles per hour, but many drivers go much faster.

"When they first started around the corner, they're still going pretty fast," said Cindy Smith, a resident of Faison Avenue.

"It's not really the people that live here that are doing it," said Lowell Shrauger, another resident of Faison Avenue. "It's people who are cutting through."

Sixty percent of neighborhoods in Fayetteville had their speed limits reduced.

The city has had so many neighborhood residents petition for a lower speed, council members are now considering making all residential speed limits 25 miles an hour.

In some neighborhoods, even the reduced speed does not work, so the city has placed speed humps in the area; the humps are a little lower than traditional speed bumps. Traffic meters show they reduce traffic and speed. They cost thousands of dollars, but city officials say they will continue to put them in neighborhoods, if necessary.
