Local News

Nevermind the Lunch Money: Bully Swipes $700 From Students

Posted 2006-08-03T21:25:57+00:00 - Updated 1998-02-11T11:00:00+00:00

Some Raleigh elementary school students are getting a lesson in hard knocks. Someone broke into their school and stole money the students were collecting to save an endangered animal.

At Jeffreys Grove Elementary School, the red wolf is a big deal. So badly did these kids want to help the red wolf, they decided to take up a collection -- every nickel, dime, and quarter they could find, to adopt one at the North Carolina Zoo.

But, dreams turned to disappointment Sunday night, when someone broke into the school and stole the collection money -- about $700.

The collection was part of a year-long education program about endangered animals. The kids at Jeffreys Grove Elementary have been learning about the animals all year long -- but they didn't expect to get a lesson in crime and punishment. The students are angry as they try to make sense of why the world can be so mean sometimes.

For now, the collection jug is empty -- all the hard-earned allowance money gone. It's hard lesson learned, especially for kids so young.

So far, two parents have come through with donations. School leaders are hoping that community members can help students raise enough money to adopt the red wolf.
