Local News

Raleigh Leaders Debate Curbside Trash Program

Posted 2006-08-03T20:59:16+00:00 - Updated 2004-01-20T09:46:00+00:00

Raleigh leaders are talking trash. In some parts of the city, garbage, yard waste and recycling are all picked up on one day in an effort to save money. Officials are now considering whether to spread the program to other neighborhoods.

City crews currently go into back yards to collect trash twice a week on scheduled pickup days. Jeff Bond was one of several Wake County residents who were part of the pilot trash program that asked residents to move their trash curbside once-a-week.

"I think it is great. It makes it a lot easier to remember to bring your trash out," he said.

"Well, that was convenient, but it is not hard to roll the can down," said Juanita Card, a participant in the pilot program.

However, some city council members are not sold on the program. They said they have heard a number of complaints, alleging some elderly people may have trouble moving the cans and the trash cans create a potential eyesore.

Officials said the pilot program did increase recycling efforts by 20 percent. A final decision on whether to make the pilot program citywide is not expected until the end of February.
