
Muffin Top mystery

Posted 2009-11-17T13:24:38+00:00 - Updated 2009-11-17T16:03:20+00:00

It was truly an awkward moment. 6:55. WRAL's Morning News today. Kelcey Carlson and I introduced Bill Jordan and Lynda Loveland at Mix 101.5 WRAL-FM for their 45 second daily blurb on their popular morning show. Lynda launched into her pitch: 7 Ways to Get Rid of Muffin Tops.

I look at Kelcey and she looks at me. Neither one of us know what a “muffin top” is as referenced by Lynda. Brian Shrader to our left off-camera begins his best charade-like demonstration. We finally get it.

A "muffin top" is slang for flesh hanging out over a person's waistline. Synonyms include love handles and Dunlap Disease.

The internet is fertile ground for slang. New phrases are popping up every day. How do you keep up with it all?

Did you know what a muffin top was? What are some other phrases worth mentioning here?
