
Meet "Studweiser...King of Studs" | The GOLO Profile

Posted 2008-03-25T13:10:43+00:00 - Updated 2008-03-25T14:00:55+00:00

This week we meet GOLO member, Studweiser. He's also known as  "The King of Studs" and most recently, "Studley Durham Jones." His real name is Mike, and he is quite intriguing.  I caught up with Studweiser late last week and the conversation seemed to flow like champagne on New Year's Eve. 



Angela: Should I call you “Studley ” or “Studley Durham Jones?”   

Studweiser: “Studley.”


Angela: So, are you really a “stud” or do you just play one on GOLO?

Studley: No, I really am a stud. I’m exactly who I say I am.


Angela: Do you think there’s any danger in that? Being honest online?

Studley: No because I’m out in the public a lot. People start conversations like they know me, anyway.  I’m a really social person.


Angela: Do you think we’d be better off if most people were who they say they are online?

Studley: Yes and no. Everyone has their opinion and sometimes people have opinions that are so incendiary that they don’t want to voice their opinion on everything.

My parents always taught me that if you don’t have anything nice to say don’t say anything at all.


Angela: What makes you unique?

Studley: Everything.


Angela: Oh, so you’re a one of a kind?

Studley: Yep, there’s no other like me.  I think for myself. My thoughts and my opinions constantly evolve. The world changes. It’s inevitable. And in order to successfully live life, you have to change with it.


Angela: If you ran for president, what would be your platform?

Studley: I’m a traditionalist. I think the country needs to go back to the basics and remember what it means to be an American. People are so wrapped up in morality and the environment and world politics that they’ve lost sight of what it means to be an American. People just don’t care about each other and that hurts me personally, because I do care about others. .


Angela: Wow, you really mean that.

Studley: Mmmm Hmmm.


Angela: Tell me two things you’d like to accomplish before you turn 40.

Studley : That’s a good one. (Stops to think) I have a small business and I want to see that become successful.


Angela: Tell me about your business.

Studley: I started a mobile IT firm. What we do is go to people’s homes when they get the blue screen of death, have problems with their hard drive or other computer issues. We come out and fix it on site. So instead of having to unplug everything and take your computer apart, you can call us. 


Angela: Oh, kind of like the Best Buy Geek Squad? 

Studley: It’s exactly like that.


Angela: Is it called “The Stud Club?”

Studley: (Laughs..) No it’s called Over clocked Revolution.


Angela: That’s a great idea

Studley: Mmm hmmmm.


Angela: So what about that second accomplishment?

Studley: I want to meet (GOLO member) Sue Donym.


Angela: (Laughs, laughs, laughs) That’s a lofty goal.  

Studley: Yep, and I think I’ll accomplish it pretty soon.


Angela: What does your generation have that others didn’t?

Studley: My generation, being born in 1980, has greater access to information and that sets us apart. The world has changed a lot and it’s astounding with the proliferation of the internet. The generations are changing so quickly. The generation gaps are astounding.


Angela: You’re wise beyond your years.

Studley: I hear that a lot. People tell me that I have an old soul.

Some say I’m 28, going on 82.


Angela: Who are some of your favorites on GOLO.

Studley: Obviously Sue Donym, definitely Feisty, Huck, Old School, Headlong, PikeMom, Aruba…the people who stand their ground and accept the opinions of others. 


Angela: What do you want GOLO to do next?

Studley: I’d like to see a feature that lets you know when you’ve received comments  on your profiles via e-mail and an instant-messaging real time chat feature because that’s what many of us do, chat in real-time.


Angela: What do you enjoy most about GOLO?

Studley: I love my time at GOLO, expressing my opinions and sharing my thoughts.

GOLO has allowed me to open my mind to different points of view. I’m a really curious person. Pikemom says I’m a climber, like a baby who climbs out the crib. Actually, I took my crib apart at 18 months. My mom says they couldn’t keep me confined.


Angela: A sign of things to come, apparently.

Studley: Mmmm Hmmmm


Angela: One final question: Can you tell us something that we don’t already know about you?

Studley: Nope, I’m an open book...


Angela: Well, it’s definitely an interesting read.

Studley: Thank you…..I enjoyed this. 




