
Magnitude 2.7 earthquake recorded near Morganton

A minor magnitude 2.7 earthquake was recorded Tuesday near Morganton in western North Carolina, according to the United States Geological Survey.
Posted 2021-08-17T14:13:18+00:00 - Updated 2021-08-17T16:31:47+00:00
Minor earthquake reported near Morganton, NC

A minor magnitude 2.7 earthquake was recorded Tuesday in western North Carolina, according to the United States Geological Survey.

According to a USGS map, the earthquake occurred four miles north of Morganton after 9:15 a.m.

It is unusual to feel an earthquake that is less than 3 magnitude, multiple sources say, but some people said they felt shaking on Tuesday morning. People who felt the earthquake are encouraged to report it on the USGS website.

According to the USGS, a small earthquake nearby will feel like a "small sharp jolt followed by a few stronger sharp shakes that pass quickly."

If you are far away from a small earthquake, it is easier to feel if you are sitting still, the USGS states.
