
Great Customer Service

Posted 2009-12-10T14:40:10+00:00 - Updated 2009-12-10T15:41:47+00:00

I'd like to start a shout-out blog. Please give a shout-out to anyone who has given you great customer service this month during your holiday shopping. Mention them by name if you can.

Remember the Simon & Garfunkel song "Keep the Customer Satisfied?" Well, it's an important part of doing business. My parents, William & Charlotte Leslie ran a store in Morganton where I grew up. They sold everything from books to art supplies and wedding gifts to those cool View Masters. I remember getting that lecture from my parents before hitting the floor as a store clerk: "Always be friendly, helpful and tireless in your pursuit of service."

Cindy and I hit some stores earlier this week to do some of our shopping. I'd like to give a special shout-out to Debbie at the Hallmark store at Crabtree Valley Mall and Chuck in the drum department at Guitar Center off Capital Boulevard. Debbie and Chuck were oozing warmth and helpfulness. So was David Faircloth at Anytime Wines in Cary. David has a great sense of humor and is extremely knowledgeable.

Who would you like to honor?  We'll try to come up with a little prize for the most outstanding nominee.
