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Durham theater offers sensory friendly movies

The movie theater at The Streets at Southpoint in Durham offers monthly sensory friendly films for families with members with autism.
Posted 2015-05-18T15:39:24+00:00 - Updated 2015-05-21T00:39:00+00:00
The Streets at Southpoint. Credit: Bruce R. Feeley and Durham Convention & Visitors Bureau

I've written about these before, but I ran across the schedule again and wanted to share for families with kids with special needs.

The movie theater at The Streets at Southpoint in Durham offers monthly sensory friendly films for families with members with autism. During the showings, the lights are turned up, the sound is turned down and audience members are invited to get up, dance, walk, shout or sing. The idea for the program, according to AMC's website, came from a request from a parent with a child with autism in Maryland.

AMC offers the program at theaters across the country, including Durham. All showings start at 10 a.m. And, according to the website, dates and films can change. Here's the schedule:

May 30: "Tomorrowland," PG

June 27: "Inside Out," PG

July 18: "Minions," PG

August 2015: To be determined

Sep. 26" "Hotel Transylvania," PG

Oct. 17: "The Jungle Book"

Nov. 14: "The Peanuts Movie"

Dec. 5: "The Good Dinosaur"
