
Two Warren County schools switch to online learning due to COVID-related staffing shortages

A pair of Warren County schools are switching to remote learning in light of staffing shortages at the schools.
Posted 2021-09-02T02:01:30+00:00 - Updated 2021-09-02T02:01:30+00:00
Back to school headquarters

A pair of Warren County schools are switching to remote learning in light of staffing shortages at the schools.

Vaughan Elementary School and Warren County High School are moving to remote learning for students due to staffing shortages, the school district announced Wednesday night. WCHS students had their first day of remote learning Wednesday while students at Vaughan students start remote learning on Thursday.

The change doesn't affect athletics and other extracurricular activities.

In-person classes are expected to resume at Vaughan on Sept. 8 while WCHS students will return on Sept. 9.

“Every day, we are learning of additional students and staff who have been diagnosed with COVID-19 or exposed to someone with the virus and are required by the health department to quarantine,” said Interim Superintendent Keith Sutton. “That leaves us with not enough employees to adequately and safely supervise all of our students, which is why we’re forced to move to online-only classes.”

“I urge everyone in Warren County who is eligible to get vaccinated to help protect our students, since they’re too young to get the shot,” he continued. "We also need everyone in our community to follow basic safety measures, whether you’re in a school or out in the community. Please wear a mask, keep your distance from other people, and wash your hands often. Slowing and preventing the spread of this dangerous virus is our best chance to keep students in school in person.”

School staff are still expected to report to work in-person.

Also on Wednesday, Beaver Dam Elementary School in eastern Cumberland County announced it will move online temporarily after a coronavirus cluster was reported.
