
Bottled water going fast as hurricane nears NC

With Hurricane Florence possibly coming to North Carolina later this week, I thought I would pick up some bottled water just to be on the safe side. I did not expect to see completely empty shelves and people huddled around pallets of water already. Read on for the photos and post your water buying experiences in the coming days.
Posted 2018-09-09T16:44:27+00:00 - Updated 2018-09-10T10:08:00+00:00
Empty bottled water shelves 9-9-18

With Hurricane Florence possibly coming to North Carolina later this week, I thought I would pick up some bottled water just to be on the safe side. I did not expect to see completely empty shelves and people huddled around pallets of water already.

Below you can see the photos of my trip to a local Walmart near Clayton, NC on Sunday afternoon. Post your water buying experiences in the coming days.

I paid $2.86 for 40-count packages of Walmart Great Value brand bottled water. Aldi and Lidl also have good every day low prices on bottled water.

Empty bottled water shelves 9-9-18
Empty bottled water shelves 9-9-18
Empty bottled water shelves 9-9-18
Empty bottled water shelves 9-9-18

The employees at this local Walmart near Clayton were doing their best to keep the supply of water bottles flowing today while a constant stream of customers emptied pallet after pallet.

Nearly empty pallet of water
Nearly empty pallet of water

Many customers were filling up carts with bottled water.

Customers stocking up on bottled water 9-9-18
Customers stocking up on bottled water 9-9-18

Customers were crowded around the pallets of water as they brought them out.

Customers crowding around pallet of bottled water near Clayton, NC 9-9-18
Customers crowding around pallet of bottled water near Clayton, NC 9-9-18
Full pallet of bottled water 9-9-18
Full pallet of bottled water 9-9-18

Bottled water is not the only thing selling out.

Below is a photo of a local home improvement store posted by Smart Shopper reader, Teresa on the Smart Shopper Facebook page. As you can see, the generators have nearly sold out.

Generators selling out at local home improvement store (photo courtesy Teresa Smith)
Generators selling out at local home improvement store (photo courtesy Teresa Smith)

And here you see empty milk shelves at a local Walmart. Thanks to Thomas who posted this photo on the Smart Shopper Facebook page.

Empty milk shelves 9-9-18 (photo courtesy Thomas Bowes)
Empty milk shelves 9-9-18 (photo courtesy Thomas Bowes)
