5 On Your Side

5 On Your Side: Relaxation apps can help you wind down, prevent tossing & turning

For years, we've heard no tech before bed, but 5 On Your Side's Monica Laliberte explains a new twist on that advice, starting with meditation apps.
Posted 2021-11-04T19:57:14+00:00 - Updated 2021-11-04T21:46:18+00:00
5 on Your Side: How to 'wind down' and get to sleep

All those emails, deadlines and demands leave our days packed.

It takes time to wind down at night.

For years, we’ve heard no tech before bed, but 5 On Your Side’s Monica Laliberte explains a new twist on that advice, starting with meditation apps.

"Before bed, I’ll put in my headphones and meditate and it really helps me calm down, put an end to the day and get my body and my mind ready for sleep,” said working mom Erin Ferguson.

There’s evidence that meditation, and using apps like Calm and Headspace, can help some people sleep better at night.

Not listening to a meditation is different from scrolling.

"Just try to keep screens out of your face for at least 30 minutes before bedtime. If you must, you can use the nighttime mode on your phone to reduce your exposure to blue light,” said Kevin Loria, the health editor at Consumer Reports.

White noise can also help, whether from a bedside machine or an app.

Other advice, if you’re sleeping next to a pile of work papers or your computer, CR says don’t.

“When it’s time to clock out, your work should be out of sight so it can also be out of mind,” said Loria.

If you don’t have the space to move your office to another part of the house, at least tuck your computer and work away as best you can.

So that your brain won’t be constantly reminded of the work to do.

Another trick that could help your sleep starts first thing in the morning. Try avoiding email and texts at the start of your day.

Instead, focus on what you need or want to do first.

That can give you a sense of control over your day.
