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Local News

Pilot Mountain fire 100% contained after burning more than 1,000 acres
NC mom shocked after daughter brings home 'Redneck Christmas' book from school library
NC family upset after 5th grader with special needs assaulted on school bus
Wayne County man dies after storage building falls on top of him
58-year-old man dies in downtown Raleigh, cause of death unknown
Jingle Bell Leap 5K raises money for 2 bilingual schools
Two weekend shootings reported in Carrboro


Los padres del sospechoso del tiroteo en Michigan se declaran inocentes
El tribunal supremo de Brasil abre una investigación sobre la falsa afirmación del presidente Bolsonaro de que la vacunación contra el covid-19 aumenta el riesgo de sida
El volcán Monte Semeru de Indonesia entra en erupción, provocando evacuaciones y cortes de energía
Un pez lanceta caníbal aparece en una playa de San Diego, el primero que se ve allí desde 1996
El papa advierte sobre "retirada de la democracia" en su primer discurso desde Atenas
Chess master and UNC student starts online academy
Todo lo que necesitas saber sobre las últimas restricciones de viaje por ómicron
El búnker subterráneo secreto que ayudó a ganar la Segunda Guerra Mundial
Biden y Putin mantendrán conversaciones este martes
El atacante disparó "metódica y deliberadamente" a los estudiantes. Una cronología del trágico tiroteo en una escuela en Michigan
Lo que dicen los analistas legales sobre los cargos contra los padres en el tiroteo en una escuela de Michigan
El bitcoin se hunde de la noche a la mañana
ANÁLISIS | Beijing está enojado con la WTA por retirarse de China. Pero no puede dejar que los ciudadanos chinos lo sepan
Un leopardo le arrebató a su hijo. Ella lo persiguió y lo rescató
Chile confirma primer caso de variante ómicron
La inteligencia estadounidense estima que las tropas rusas en la frontera con Ucrania podrían llegar a 175.000
Cómo es viajar con el príncipe Carlos
Tom Holland y Zendaya bromean sobre las acrobacias en 'Spider-Man' con su diferencia de altura
Investigan ataque armado que dejó 4 personas muertas y 5 menores lesionados en Guerrero, México
Un plomero encontró dinero en efectivo y cheques escondidos en la pared de una megaiglesia en Houston


Rare blizzard warning issued in Hawaii

National News

Myrtle Beach substitute teacher accused of sexually harassing young boys, offering them drugs

World News

We know who is attacking us and we know how to get even, says Israel's cyber defense chief
Anger simmers over Omicron travel bans in southern Africa
Tiny living Pac-Man robots have learned how to reproduce

5 On Your Side

WRAL SmartShopper : Bath & Body Works Single Wick Candles only $6.50 (reg. $14.50) on Dec. 8
WRAL SmartShopper : Crocs Holiday Deals Dash Sale through Dec. 6
WRAL SmartShopper : CVS sales Dec. 5-11: Crest, Oral-B, Scope, cough drops, body wash, razors
WRAL SmartShopper : Lowe's gingerbread Holiday House Kits online giveaway on Dec. 6


How Costco, Sam's Club and BJ's won the pandemic
How eBay's new CEO turned it into a pandemic winner
Man-made diamonds are the new engagement ring trend
Bitcoin plunges overnight
Goldman Sachs cuts US GDP growth forecast for 2022 over Omicron fears
Former Netflix engineer and accomplice sentenced to prison for insider trading
CNN fires Chris Cuomo


Taylor Swift sends flowers to Don McLean after song breaks record held by 'American Pie'
1.5 million lights bring holiday cheer to Cape Fear Botanical Garden
Tom Holland and Zendaya joke about doing 'Spider-Man' stunts with their height difference


Vineyards, mountains and waterfronts: places to get outside in Stanly County

Political News

If the Supreme Court curtails abortion rights it could flip the script on the 2022 midterm elections
US intelligence estimates Russian troop levels on Ukraine border could reach 175,000
For this American family, the Iran nuclear talks are personal
Army Col. Edward Shames, the last remaining officer of World War II's 'Band of Brothers,' dies at 99
Biden administration still seeking return to compliance with original Iran nuclear deal while preparing for world without it
Justice Department charges 2 men alleged to have marched with Proud Boys on January 6 and led charge at US Capitol
Sec. Austin says US isn't afraid of Chinese competition even as country advances its hypersonic weapons
Top Space Force official: China is developing space capabilities at 'twice the rate' of US

Health Team

How to tell if it's time for a 'sleep divorce'
Omicron variant cases identified in at least 12 states but Delta still dominates