Archives » 2008 » August 23

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Local News

Man, 62, engaged in child prostitution, police say
Doghouse Bar murder suspect surrenders to detectives
Man, woman arrested in string of vehicle break-ins
Sheriff: Boy, 12, shoots 11-year-old neighbor with assault rifle
Cherry Hospital workers accused of beating patient
Moncure man charged in shooting death of brother
Historic homes moved for downtown project
Pittsboro man sells sustainability
Cumberland deputies investigate break-in supsect's death
Group protests corporal punishment in public schools
Universities team up to stop world hunger
Holly Springs eases water restrictions


WRAL WeatherCenter Blog : Could you tell me what the average humidity is for the raleigh area over the coarse of a year?
WRAL WeatherCenter Blog : Why do you NO LONGER inform viewers of the RELATIVE HUMIDITY when you braodcast the weather report? You instead give ONLY the dew point-- a term which I do not fully understand. It would be helpful also to explain again perhaps the term dew point, but I really would like to know the relative humidity also.
WRAL WeatherCenter Blog : Define "excessive lightning". Isn't one strike too much if it hits your house, and 1000 strikes irrelevant if no damage occurs? Also using the term "excessive" impies that lower amount is acceptable, right?

Political News

Biden pick draws Democratic praise, GOP criticism in N.C., nation