
Prime members can score 3 months of free Audible Premium Plus

Prime members can sign up for 3 months of free Audible Premium Plus (through July 31)!

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Prime members can sign up for 3 months of free Audible Premium Plus (through July 31)!

Audible Premium Plus Free for 3 Months!

Prime members can get the first three months of an Audible Premium Plus membership for FREE! Your membership includes a huge selection of new releases and bestsellers, as well as unlimited listening to thousands of Audible Originals, audiobooks, and podcasts. After 3 months, the cost is $14.95/mo, but you can cancel at anytime, even before the 3 mo. trial is over. The offer is available to sign up for through July 31, 2022. See the details at HERE!
If you are not already a Prime member, you can sign up for a FREE 30-day trial of Prime at HERE. You can cancel anytime before the trial is over and pay nothing. You'll also get free shipping with your membership!

Additional Deals

If you are not already a Prime member, you can sign up for a FREE 30-day trial of Prime at HERE. You can cancel anytime before the trial is over and pay nothing. You'll also get free shipping with your membership!


Amazon Fresh 2-Hour Delivery

Prime Members get free Amazon Fresh 2 hour delivery (with min. purchase) on groceries, wine, beer, Amazon Devices, toys, games, crafts, decor and more!

The sale prices listed in this post were valid at the time of the post. If the price you see on the Amazon website is different than the price listed here, that means that the deal has sold out or is no longer available. This post is not a guarantee of price.

As an Amazon Associate, Smart Spending Resources may earn a commission from qualifying purchases.


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