National News

Leading Liberals Fend Off Attacks On Big Proposals

Candidates take the stage during the first night of the second round of Democratic presidential debates, in Detroit, on Tuesday, July 30, 2019. From left: Marianne Williamson; Rep. Tim Ryan (D-Oh­io); Sen. Amy Klobu­char (D-Minn.); Mayor Pete Butti­gieg of South Bend, Ind.; Sen. Berni­e Sande­rs (I-Vt.); Sen. Elizabeth Warre­n (D-Mass.); forme­r Rep. Beto O'Rou­rke of Texas; forme­r Gov. John Hickenloop­er of Color­ado; former Rep. John Delaney of Maryland; and Gov. Steve Bullo­ck of Monta­na. (Erin Schaff/The New York Times)