
Raleigh Song

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What do I love about Raleigh? It’s a question I’ve been thinking about a lot recently. Photographer David Blevins loves a winter’s sunrise at Lake Johnson as captured in this beautiful postcard. The Raleigh Hall of Fame Committee graciously asked me to write a song celebrating the beauty, history and people of North Carolina’s capital city. I will perform the song in September at the second annual induction ceremony for the Raleigh Hall of Fame. I have a lot to work with. Raleigh is a beautiful city with a rich history and a sparkling future. However, I would like to open up the creative process to everyone. Please send me your ideas on why you love Raleigh and what makes the city so special. My e-mail address is

A recent morning run produced the following unpolished thoughts:

Where the acorns fall,
Where the trees grow tall,
Great ideas form,
Here where hearts are warm,
With hospitality,
And rich diversity,
Where one can grow to be one’s best.

Raleigh, we love you Raleigh,
The lay of your land,
Your beauty so grand,
Spirit of your past,
Something we hold fast,
And the hope for a bright tomorrow.

Let me hear from you! Lets make this our song!