Go Ask Mom

Find unique, mom-made items in the Go Ask Mom Made by Mom Gift Guide!

Support local moms (and one dad) and find some unique gift ideas in Go Ask Mom's Made by Mom Gift Guide!

Posted Updated
christmas gifts
Sarah Lindenfeld Hall

As faithful Go Ask Mom readers know, I feature local moms and what they're doing every Monday. And for the holidays, I'm taking it to the next level with the Made by Mom Gift Guide!

The guide will feature local moms (and one dad) who have followed their passions to create. Some knit, some sew, some bake, some have developed products aimed at making your life easier.  In many cases, their kids were the inspiration.

Starting Friday and running to Dec. 8, I'll feature a mom (and one dad) and their product each day. I've attached the schedule, along with links to their sites, below. Most are new, but some might be familiar as I've featured them before. I'll update you on their progress since we last heard from them.

If you're able, I hope you'll take the chance to support some local parents as you search for unique gifts for friends and family this holiday season.

So here's the schedule for the Made by Mom Gift Guide! Be sure to check back each day starting Friday to learn more about each product and maker!

And a note: I know that there are many, many other crafty moms out there. While the gift guide is full for this year, I'm always looking for local moms to feature on the site. So please email me if you'd like to be featured or know somebody who should be featured in the new year.

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