919 Beer

919 Beer podcast: Beer Bowl 2019

This week, Joe Ovies and Wayne Holt (Adam Eshbaugh on assignment this week) sit down to talk about Wayne's visit to the Super Bowl in Atlanta, the concessions in the stadium and restaurants around the stadium, other venues across the country, and how downtown Raleigh compares. Then, they turn their attention to the new Durham location of Asheville based Hi-Wire Brewing, which recently set a curfew for children in their taproom. The brewery announced that their taproom would only be open to those of-age (21 or older) after 7pm, and then corrected a few days later to 8pm. Joe and Wayne discuss the merit of the rule, and on the flip side, talk about the merits of family-friendly breweries. They also discuss both sides of having pets at breweries. And, Kevin Harvick's old and wrecked cars from the 2018 season are being turned into collectible Busch beer cans, his principle sponsor on the NASCAR circuit.