
The Saharan dust is here and bringing gorgeous sunsets to NC

The Saharan dust is here!
Posted 2020-06-25T11:06:54+00:00 - Updated 2020-06-27T14:22:34+00:00
Dust cloud could mean more colorful sunrise, sunset through weekend

The Saharan dust is here!

Saharan dust at 6:42 a.m. on June 25
Saharan dust at 6:42 a.m. on June 25

Many of you likely noticed it Thursday night, when we had an amazing sunset. The dust particles help to scatter the sun’s rays, making for stunning sunrises and sunsets. Expect this to continue at least through the weekend.

Saharan dust at 8 a.m. on June 28
Saharan dust at 8 a.m. on June 28

During the daylight hours, instead of blue skies, we will likely have a hazy sky. If the dust gets thick enough, we could have impacts on our air quality. Those who suffer from dust allergies might be reaching for extra tissues for a while as well.

Tropical systems feed off moisture, so the Saharan dust means the tropics will likely stay fairly quiet. With the dust in the air, the atmosphere becomes dry, reducing tropical development.

Enjoy the sunsets and sunrises over the next several days, and be sure to post your pics on the WRAL Weather Facebook page so that we can share them.

​If you have any respiratory conditions, like asthma, it may be best to avoid doing outdoor acclivities and exercise. The dust cloud is decreasing the air quality, making it harder to breath for some people.
