
Obama spiritual leader leads him astray?

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A few days ago the issue of RACE arose with Ferraro’s opinion about Obama’s popularity. Yesterday, RELIGION arose. Well, the kind of religious exposure that Barack Obama has had, which leads to questions and doubts about what is in Obama’s heart.


  Surely, anyone who has read about Obama has to have long ago questioned his relationship with the unabashed Afro-centric Chicago church and the Rev. Wright. Obama's Islamic roots, childhood schooling, lack of a Christian upbringing add to the questions of his basic values and attitudes. Who is Barack Hussein Obama? 

  His abandonment by his father, and essentially, his mother, are bringing concern about the make-up of personality. Yet, the other side of all that is Obama's appeal. If Barack were white, called Barry Smith, would it be the same? NO. Obama, his family history, his fine education, his "white" raising & speech, his "black" appearance, his lack of political track record all allow us to project this magical image onto Obama, a man who will overcome race, overcome religious differences, and bring about the HOPE and CHANGE he promises. Then, Rev. Wright's voice, and the close, personal long term relationship between the two, casts a SHADOW onto the LIGHT is, or was, Obama.

  There are many, black and white and red and brown who would agree with much of Rev. Wright’s view of America, who believe we brought Nineleven on ourselves, who see the US as the imperialistic war makers and mad bombers of Hiroshima, of Kosovo, of pill factories, of Baghdad.  There are the Tim McVeighs, and we know terrorists hate the US. People are going to start wondering about Obama, questioning his past, his present responses, and his future intentions. Who is Barack? Is he what we want to believe he is?

  Hillary isn’t going to have this “too close” a relationship with any preacher. Does anyone think she is swayed  by a religious leader? NO. Her husband called on Jesse Jackson for religious comfort, to come to the White House and pray with him about the Monica fling. Ironically, Jesse was at that time also hiding a fling of his own, one which produced a baby, which was being supported by Jackson’s organization to the tune of 6-figures a year. Does anyone believe Jesse and Bill were praying, repenting? As for Hillary’s foreign policy experience, does she include the planning of the bombing of the pill factory in Africa, which came right in the middle of the Clinton’s domestic problems, some say to divert attention.

  Still, Barack Hussein Obama is being questioned, and when the word CHANGE appears, and when the word HOPE is said, people will ask, what change, and hope for what? Obama really needs to open up, speak frankly, casually, and without pat phrases. No one wonders about Hillary, they know too much about her already – that is her problem. Obama needs to reassure people, and win them over, not with charisma but with lots of conversation that will pick and dig and make him self-examine. Take the mask off, as Shelby Steele says. http://www.time.com/time/magazine/article/0,9171,1689619,00.html

  Instead of bringing racial harmony, religious tolerance, and peace, might Obama bring chaos, and bring it win or lose? Let’s see what Obama brings from this issue? Will he skirt it, hide from it, confront it head on, or outrun it?