
Inside Job: Don Henley

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Hmm... I know this will cause some people to lose it. But, hey you need to dig deeper and use that gray matter inside your head. Not ONE STEEL building has EVER collapsed due to fire anywhere in the world. Yet THREE collapsed 9/11. You do know it was THREE, right? Building 7.  Not only did they collapse, but they did so at FREEFALL speed. 

Who do you think controls the media? Do you think true investigative reporting still exists?

The bottom line is this: I cannot force feed information to you. If you sincerely want to understand you will research BOTH; the information given by the contolled mainstream media, AND the alternative media sources. Only THEN can you make an educated decision. By just ingesting controlled mainstream media fed info is accepting blindly.

BBC reports building 7 collapse 20 minutes before it happened. Hmm. Here it is! Watch, check, double check... Tell me how this can happen by accident... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C7SwOT29gbc

Why?... You ask... Its all about taking away freedom and to impose control. The Patriot Act sounds good as a title, but it is designed to take away freedom. Don't believe me? Open that mind and research for yourself...