
Ahhh...the pose of innocence!

In Buddy Budreaux's 13 years with me he has certainly brought much entertainment to family and friends!He answers knocks with"Hello"..."who is it?"..."what do you want?"..then if the knocks persist he yells "get out of here!" There have been times he has upset visitors because they thought it was me...he picked it up on his own tho I never yell 'get out of here' to anyone.Buddy enjoys showing off at times and tempts folks to pet him but beware the pose of innocence as he causes most folks to jump back in fear or maybe agony if they they brave an extended finger.I feed squirrels out by a window visible to him or should someone walk by the window if I am not in the room when they appear he clearly and loudly calls my name to let me security alarm ever!It has taken 2 years for my boyfriend to become his friend yet Buddy Budreaux still beak-grips the top of his cage and flaps his wings as he yells in jealousy at him or any male that physically gets too close to me by his standards!Most of the things I have tried to teach him he refuses to say but his selective vocabulary varies depending his mood and on who may be around him.If he sees or hears keys being picked-up with his most friendly voice he says"bye-bye...see you later...peace out!"He is my buddy,good ole Buddy Budreaux!