House & Home

Plumbing Tip: How to Prevent Clogs

According to Charlotte, NC plumber Charlotte Mechanical, there are several daily or weekly tasks that you can do to prevent clogged drains. They point out that one should not pour grease or coffee grounds down the kitchen sink; one should not use harsh chemical drain openers if possible; one should

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According to Charlotte, NC plumber Charlotte Mechanical, there are several daily or weekly tasks that you can do to prevent clogged drains. They point out that one should not pour grease or coffee grounds down the kitchen sink; one should not use harsh chemical drain openers if possible; one should use removable tub and shower drain covers to catch hair, and clean them often; one should clean the pop-up stoppers in the bathroom sink and tub once a week; one should remove hair and gunk from the bathtub spring/rocker arm under the overflow plate once a month.