Local News

Traffic Plan Would Have Raleigh Motorists Driving in Circles

Big changes are in store for Hillsborough Street near North Carolina State University. The way people travel the road is about to shift.

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RALEIGH, N.C. — Big changes are in store for Hillsborough Street near North Carolina State University. The way people travel the road is about to shift.
Plans are in the works to put a roundabout at the intersection of Hillsborough and Morgan Streets. Engineers want to add a roundabout in that area because Morgan Street is slated to become a two-way street.

The $500,000 project is part of a push to make Hillsborough Street a more pedestrian-friendly area. It is scheduled to begin in Spring 2008 and be completed by winter of the same year.

Other roundabouts are planned for Hillsborough Street near the N.C. State Bell Tower and Oberlin Road. The cost to include all roundabouts on Hillsborough Street will run close to $6 million.

City planners also mention that as part of the Hillsborough-Morgan Street plan, they will have to remove an oak tree to the dismay of some people.

The public was invited to view the plans Wednesday at the Avery C. Upchurch Government Complex, at 222 W. Hargett St., starting at 5 p.m. Engineers were also on hand to answer questions about the project.


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