
summer of fire 2011

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Alabama is the only state in the union which will not have a budget deficit in 2012. Seven other states have either not reported data or their budget deficit is “not applicable”. The current budget deficit for the fifty (not fifty-seven) states and the District of Columbia is now $125 billion. If each affected state was able to balance their budget using state worker reductions, this would amount to 2.5 million people out of work starting July 1st , 2011. This assumes an average salary of $50,000 per worker.  If we assume an average salary of $40,000, this would increase the number to 3.125 million people.


According to this same report from the Wall Street Journal, North Carolina’s budget deficit is $5.8 billion instead of the $3.6 billion current being reported. Let’s use the smaller figure to see how many SEIU workers would lose their job to balance the budget. At $50,000 per year, we would have to fire (not layoff) 72,000 state workers. Of course this would not translate to a direct savings since North Carolina will have to pay unemployment benefits to these workers. Since the state unemployment fund is broke, we would have to borrow more money on top of the $2.6 billion that we currently owe the federal government for unemployment benefits.

SEIU (SEANC) only has 55,000 members. Not all state workers join the union but a large majority does belong. The question that we have to ask ourselves is very simple:

What will Moveon.org and SEIU do with at least 500,000 state workers that are about to be fired across the country?

And we have not addressed the other budgets cuts in social engineering programs that will be cut to balance the budget. I believe that the summer of 2011 will be known as the “Summer of Fire” due to the civil unrest that is about to befall our country. 

Do you think our country will react as the people in Japan or in England? The union plan to collapse our country announced last week does not appear to be too conspiratorial at this point.

Personally, I tend to agree with the following assessment, posted on 3/22 on American Thinker, especially since it has just been reveled that michael Lerner, the brains behind the economic terrorist plot, was NOT fired from SEIU, is simply on "Paid Leave" from SEIU.
"It's absolutely clear that the communist revolutionary bloodlust runs very deep through the veins and psyche of many union leaders and socialists in America.  Their hatred for democratic free-market economies, unbridled greed for the wealth and property rights of individuals, and desire for chaos and revolution can no longer be contained. Give these guys the power and enough AK47s and they would do to us what the Bolsheviks, Maoists, and Vietcong did to their own people. 
The union/communist/radical rotten fruit did not fall very far from the Marxist-radical tree that has caused so much bloodshed, suffering, and death throughout the ages. The communist terrorists are here in America actively working to destabilize and destroy this blessed country.  They will not stop until they bring about the same catastrophic results their spiritual brethren have brought since Marxism began.  Apparently 100 million victims of the Communist Holocaust is not enough for these evildoers, they want more!"