
My Rant for today

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It is time for a pet peeve rant again.  There are some things that just drive me and from what I read, most of you crazy.  They build up slowly but eventually, you just want to explode.

Let’s start with driving.  I am going to skip the normal gripes (going slow in the fast lane, tailgating, turn signals, etc).    I am going to focus on those things that I can’t believe happen but yet I have encountered so often on my commute that I have lost count.

Do not read a book while traveling down the highway.  Seems like a simple thing but at least once a month I see someone reading a book, or a newspaper while driving down I-40.   Do these people think they have some Jedi power that allows them such abilities?  If you can get a ticket for texting and driving then I think this should be a felony.

This isn’t a Nascar track.  When I see some moron who is zipping in and out of traffic in a generally futile attempt to get down the road faster, I want to shoot them with a bazooka.  

 I work near Southpoint mall so I eat there often.  Every time I go, I have to make the run past the Kiosk from hell.  You know the one where they always have young ladies with a little cup of some lotion that they are just dying to show you.  I try to be nice and just say no thank you but they have now taken to stepping out and saying something like “Can I ask you a question”.   First of all I know that some twenty something little chicklet   is not going to be asking me how such a strapping 40 something man is still single.  This forces me to be rude… which I am not generally.  “No you can not ask me a question”.

Also, unless you are very young, taking care of the very young, or physically disabled then you should not just stand still on the escalator.    This isn’t Bush Gardens or Disneyland,  it is stairs that happen to be moving.   Help fight the obesity problem in America and try taking a few steps – please!

Also, who tricked women into thinking Capri pants were a good idea.  Most women have a great sense of fashion and generally look great.  Yet why do so many wear something that just makes them look shorter, their but look bigger, and their feet look longer.

Why is there always a few people at every gym that think the, wipe off the equipment after you use it rule,   is optional.  I like nothing better than to follow a dude that looks like a human/bear hybrid and wipe up his sweat before I can do my exercise. 

Also, unless you happen to be negotiating peace in the Middle East, hang up your cell phone if you are in anyway dealing with other members of society.

I have seen this last one in every office I have ever worked.   To the person who leaves less than a quarter of a cup of coffee in the carafe so you can feel you can legitimately say that you did not take the last cup of coffee even though you know you are totally screwing the next person,  YOU GO TO HELL - YOU GO TO HELL AND YOU DIE!

There now I feel better.