
do you need help saying good bye

Posted Updated

Do you know someone that needs help saying good bye.  Someone that needs intervention?  Someone that is addicted?  Do YOU yourself need intervention? 

Have you ever posted a Good Bye Blog then returned?  Have you posted posted multiple good bye blogs and returned numerous times?  Do you know of others that have?  Is doing so a sign of an addiction?  Does this type of behavior need intervention? 

WE are here to help, WE are the Golo Intervention Team.  Just dial 1-800-I-Am-Addicted-To-Golo-And-Can-Not-Say-Good-bye.  Our trained team of intervention experts will assist you with first identifying if you actually have an addiction.  If you do, we can assist with the steps of intervention, if you can be treated as an outpatient, or if you are one of the few that need the more serious care.

For those that need more serious care, do not despair.  Help is out there.  We can provide 1 week of free, intensive, in patient treatment that includes electric shock treatment each and everytime your fingers touch a keyboard or cell phone to text.  After the first week, the cost of treatment may be covered by your insurance carrier.  You would need to check with your benefits department under the mental health section. 

There is help, please contact our team right away for you or your loved one.

Thank You



DISCLAIMER:  For true mental health issues or addictions,  please see your medical professional.  This  blog is for entertainment purposes only