
Should Marijuana be Legal?

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WAKE COUNTY — Good Friday morning to you GOLO! It is the weekend baby! Hope everyone is ready. Yesterday, I did a blog, actually I did several blogs, but the one I am referencing is the one about legalizing prostitution. To my surprise, a great majority of GOLOers were for it. A few folks here and there disagreed but overwhelmingly most said yes.
  A fellow GOLOer who shall remain nameless as to not violate the TOS posted on my page a comment that basically said since in that particular blog most did bring up the marijuana issue that maybe we should do a blog to see how everyone feels about that. So I said sure! It is Friday, no better day of the week to discuss weed, hemp, marijuana, Mary Jane, etc, etc, etc. So here it is…My question of the day to you all out there in GOLO-land is real simple. Should marijuana be legal? Why or Why not? I know I have heard some say it is a gateway drug. Is that the only reason it shouldn’t be legal? What do you think?


Thanks Slick...8-)